- Certified for hygienic use
- Supporting CIP or SIP cleaning procedures
- High accuracy mass, density and volume flow measurement
- Auch in kundenspezifischen Konstruktionen erhältlich
- Für die LCD-Anzeige stehen Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch und auf Anfrage weitere Sprachen zur Verfügung.
- Jeder Durchflussmesser wird kalibriert und erhält eine eindeutige Seriennummer, die alle Kalibrierdaten enthält.
- Measurement of liquids, gases and gas entrained liquids
- Very aggressive, highly corrosive or shear-sensitive media
- Products requiring a low flow velocity
- Non-homogeneous mixtures
- Slurries or products with entrained solids
- Custody transfer (fiscal metering)
- Measurement of concentration, density
- Bulk loading
- Batching to reactors
- Acids, bases, phosgene and other chloride substances, sulphuric substances
- Batching, dosing, filling
- Measurement of flow, density, specific gravity in brewing processes
- Dosing of hop extract
- Milk reception, dosing and separation processes in dairies
- Measurement of Brix, density and flow in fruit juices
- Oily and greasy products (e.g. creamy spinach mixtures etc.)
- Liquid chocolate, honey, marmalade, syrup, ice cream etc.
- CO2 injection
- Alcoholic beverages (whisky, wine, vodka etc.)
- Batching, dosing, filling
- Solvent extraction
- Metering skids, bulk and tanker loading, pipeline transfer, in-line density measurement
- Liquid hydrocarbons, liquefied gases (propane etc.)
- Paperstock, pulp
- Coating kitchens
- Flocculant dosing
- Sludge flow and density measurement